2024 Issues of the Pluralist

January 1

Love is Love Adoption Equality Won

LGBTQ adoption equality: IRAC has once again made history. After a long legal battle, the Supreme Court ruled that same-sex parents seeking to adopt children will no longer face discrimination.

January 30

Equality in Times of War and Peace

IRAC Executive Director writes about sharing the burden when it comes to serving our country in the armed forces. Especially now, there is no room to discriminate between Orthodox and secular.

January 9

Hope as a Remedy for Despair

When it's so easy to despair, the smallest acts can spread hope. This experience confirmed my belief that we have many partners in our struggle for a better future. We will continue to fight for justice, against discrimination and incitement.

February 6

Reuniting Families in Times of War

In this time of crisis, the government and its ministries continue to drive wedges between us and impose their narrow and discriminatory definition of who is a Jew and who is eligible for citizenship.

January 15

We Still Have a Dream

In the spirit of King we will continue to fight darkness and spread light. We will not despair. We will continue to support the captives’ families and work to free them. We will continue to raise a voice and demand equal rights and justice for all.

February 15

A Week in the Life of IRAC

Spending a week at IRAC and you see the hard work we do, the struggle for justice and equality and dedication of our staff.

January 23

A Person is Like a Tree in the Field

The sadness that envelops us after the loss of so many soldiers at one time is profound. As we move into Tu'Bshvat, and hope that as we plant trees, we can also plant hope, healing and peace

February 20

Time for Change in our Cities

Every five years Israel holds municipal elections. This year they were pushed back because following October 7th. But they will take place next week and Orly Erez-Likhovski explains why they are especially important.

February 29

Twenty Years at IRAC - The Struggle Continues! Orly reflects on her 20 years at IRAC, the struggles and the victories for democracy, pluralism and equality & looks forward, even in these most difficult of times, to continuing to build an Israel where we can all feel at home and be proud to live.

March 8

Celebrating Victories, Recognizing Defeats! Orly reflects on cases won and lost and the necessity to continue to fight, especially on International Women’s Day!

March 11

Looking Back, Looking Ahead: Orly writes about what her trip to the US means. In crisis, and this year Israel has known two immense ones: the assault on Israel's democracy and the assault on Israel and ensuing war, we find our best selves. We maintain our values and preserve that which is good while fending off the bad.

March 20

Fighting Hate, Promoting Coexistence! On the International Day to Eliminate all Forms of Racial Discrimination, we proudly wear our values at home and on our way! Orly Erez-Likhovski writes about IRAC’s anti-racism work!

March 28

Nahfoch-hu: Transforming Grier & Pain into Action! As we face so much pain and anguish and anxiety for the future, Esther gives us a model for how to respond, to bring about a nahafoch-hu that will transform grief into joy, sorrow into hope, pain into action.

April 8

Haredim - On TV & in Real Life! The irony of a series about Haredi society being filmed on the HUC campus in Jerusalem is truly astonishing given the negative attitude and even incitement of Haredi leaders toward the Reform movement.

April 15

Not an Ordinary Passover. At this difficult and challenging time, we continue to struggle for freedom; to strengthen our resilience; and to join in solidarity with all Jews to celebrate freedom while remembering those who are not free as we do whatever we can on their behalf.

May 5

Lighting a Lamp for Humanity in Dark Times: Yom HaShoah: Hannah Senesh wrote: In the bonfires of war, in the flames, in the fire

In the midst of stormy days of blood

Behold I light my small lantern

To seek, to seek a human being

May 9th

Remembering those we’ve lost and committing to a better future: “On this Memorial Day, we will remember our fallen soldiers and civilians with love and gratitude, and support the bereaved families, committing ourselves to do everything we can for a better future, a future of peace and justice.”