Recent Press Appearances
Why So Many Young Israelis Adore This Racist Politician
Haaretz, September 13, 2022
IRAC Executive Director Orly Erez Likhovski is concerned that many Israelis have been taken in by Ben-Gvir’s recent charm offensive and the toning down of his rhetoric. He no longer talks about deporting all Arabs, for instance, but instead only those who are “disloyal.”
No Polling Stations for Unrecognized Bedouin Villages, Panel Rules
Haaretz, August 24, 2022
The petition was filed by the Regional Council for the Unrecognized Villages in the Negev, the Abraham Initiatives and the Israel Religious Action Center. It said that residents of the unrecognized villages who want to vote must currently do so at polling stations in recognized villages and are assigned to such stations without regard to where they actually live.
Incitement Is Good for Jews
Haaretz, August 2, 2022
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77% of Incitement Charges in Israel Filed Against Arabs, Study Reveals
Haaretz, August 1, 2022
Fully 77 percent of all indictments for incitement to violence and racism are filed against Arabs, according to a new study by the Israel Religious Action Center.
Israel Railways to compensate woman asked to leave her seat so men could pray
The Times of Israel, June 14, 2022
Anat Hoffman, executive director of the Israel Religious Action Center, which helped file the lawsuit, called the outcome “an important ruling, and an additional step toward gender equality in the public domain.”
“Women are not a disruption, and we should be free to sit wherever we choose – on buses, airplanes, and trains,” Hoffman said in a Monday statement from the IRAC.
Ukrainian Widows Keep Getting Barred From Israel Despite Court Ruling
Haaretz, June 7, 2022
On behalf of a group of widows and widowers who had been denied Israeli citizenship as a result of this 2016 ruling, IRAC challenged the Interior Ministry in the High Court and won. Unwilling to accept the August 2021 verdict, Interior Ministry Ayelet Shaked requested another hearing (such requests are permitted when High Court verdicts are split). Supreme Court President Esther Hayut has yet to rule on Shaked’s request, but according to the law, the verdict is binding until it is overturned.
Recent Op-Eds by IRAC Staff
Letter to an American friend
Blog, The Times of Israel, January 26, 2023
Israel’s government’s first order of business is the most dangerous of all: a legal coup.
Should the proposed bills, aimed at weakening the judiciary be enacted, Israel will have no checks and balances on the government’s power. This means that the Knesset could decide to outlaw liberal Judaism, enforce complete gender segregation in the public sphere, deny LGBTQ rights, to disenfranchise Arabs, and to abolish future elections altogether.
Israeli city refuses to allow a synagogue for Reform congregation. We’re suing
Blog, The Times of Israel, January 26, 2023
Israel’s government’s first order of business is the most dangerous of all: a legal coup.
Should the proposed bills, aimed at weakening the judiciary be enacted, Israel will have no checks and balances on the government’s power. This means that the Knesset could decide to outlaw liberal Judaism, enforce complete gender segregation in the public sphere, deny LGBTQ rights, to disenfranchise Arabs, and to abolish future elections altogether.
It is Our Responsibility to Remove the Mask and Say: Ben Gvir Seeks to Harm Israel’s Democracy
Originally published in Hebrew in Maariv
September 8, 2022
Op-Ed by IRAC Director Orly Erez-Likhovski about the danger that is MK Itamar Ben Gvir, head of Otmza Yehudit (Jewish Power) and follower of Rabbi Meir Kahane.
In Israel, Women's Faces Are a Threat to Faith – and Health
Haaretz, January 9, 2022
Op-Ed by IRAC Director Orly Erez-Likhovski about the blurring and exclusion of women’s faces and its potential impact on women and girls in Israeli society.