The Racism Crisis Center (RCC)
The Racism Crisis Center (RCC) was founded in August 2017 as an initiative of the Israel Religious Action Center and the Coalition Against Racism in Israel. The RCC was founded to change Israel’s perception of racism while providing direct support to victims of racism. The RCC provides direct assistance by way of multi-lingual support in Hebrew, Arabic, Russian, Amharic, and English to victims who contact us to report incidents of racism. We also provide legal assistance (or referrals for legal help), information and guidance, and referrals to receive other aid as needed. Using these reports, we can map the occurrence racism throughout Israel so we can better understand its extent and nature. Based on the different trends that emerge from our clients’ reports, we run public campaigns to raise awareness and create change in Israeli society, as well as advocate on their behalf in the Knesset and other public offices.
Israeli law defines racism as “persecution, humiliation, degradation, manifestation of hatred, hostility or violence, or causing strife” against the public or parts of the population, because of their color, race, or ethno-national origin. Racism in Israel has many facets: it can be expressed via incitement, for example, through graffiti or on a flyer; discrimination in the workplace as an employee or as a customer; and, at its most extreme, violent attacks or murder. Israel is a diverse country with a plethora of cultural groups, including many minorities who are subject to racism. Arabs, immigrants from the Former Soviet Union and Ethiopia, Mizrahim (Jews from Arabic countries), asylum seekers, and migrant workers encounter discriminatory and unequal treatment, and some are even exposed to violence and to physical and emotional harm.
Visit the Racism Crisis Center’s website for more information.